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End of Semester Presentation

This week we had our final presentation in front of mentors from deferent backgrounds in the industry at the Microsoft Reactor, Tel Aviv.


In general, we think we've succeed to pass our point and vision to the Mentors during the presentation. Overall the feedbacks from the mentors were positive. they liked the idea of connection through music interaction.

They noted that our idea could get out of the car space to other spaces and have some potential. They also noted that we need to focus on our marketing plan and decide who is our targeted audience.

We got one negative feedback said that the object will be transparent after few rides and that we need to think about it for the future. They advise as to conduct user tests to several designs of the object and measure emotional impact.


We felt very satisfied after the presentation but we understand that there is still a lot of work ahead in the software development and with user tests In the laboratory and hopefully in the field as well.


Here is a little clip from the demo we did during the presentation.

IDC Media Lab

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