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Week 10 - The Solution

After our meeting with the mentors we all agreed on a new solution - Cooper. 

We also draw a sketch of Cooper, and explained the flow of the interaction.


Cooper is a robotic object that have speakers and a microphone.

When a carpool match is made, our app gets access to both driver and passenger Spotify accounts and creates a playlist based on the music taste of both of them. When the driver enters the car, Cooper connects to it's phone via bluetooth. When the passenger enters the car, Cooper greets him with a gesture and start playing the playlist through his speakers.

When Cooper detects a conversation in the car, he lowers his speakers to able the interaction, when Cooper detects silent in the car, he Turns up the volume  to make sure there is no awkward silent in the car.


The shared playlist will give the driver and passenger shared conversation topics, ​but the volume will free them from the binding feeling that they have to talk.


We are hoping Cooper will better the carpool ride experience.

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IDC Media Lab

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