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Week 1 - The Needs

In the first week we chose 3 leading needs. We interviewed 6 people in order to depend our understanding of the needs.


The first need we chose was  Efficiency while driving.

Most of the interviewers said they listen to music or talk on the phone while driving. They check their phone constantly and wish they had a way to keep track with the digital world while driving. 

"I always want to know what is going on in my phone"


The second need was Safety. The interviewers believe they are safe drivers although they mentioned they regularly brake the law. The only time they said they drive unsafely, way was when they are in a hurry or nervous. In this cases they said they drive faster than they should and with less focus. 

"When I'm in a rush I drive way to fast."

The drivers main concern was other drivers on the road.

"I feel safe on my side of driving, the other drivers on the road scare me"


The last need was Kindness on the road.

The interviewers all mentioned the habits of drivers in Israel. Screaming, cursing and aggressive driving contribute to the stress on the road.

""It seems to me that if everyone had given up a little on the road, the number of accidents would have decreased significantly"


IDC Media Lab

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