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Technical Progress

In the last few weeks our programmers worked hard (as seen in the first photo) to continue and develop Cooper's features.


They worked on Cooper's playlist algorithm, Cooper's movements and a beat detector programme to match Cooper's movements to the music beat. 

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Mia and Barel working hard

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Cooper first playlist

Cooper's algorithm uses Spotify API and search for common tracks -> artist -> genres between the driver and the passenger and then creates a playlist based on the finding. Cooper's first try was to match songs between Mia and Barel that have no common tracks or artist (Barel likes Taylor swift and Mia likes punk music) but they ended up having some common genres. On the right you can see the playlist Cooper created for them - his first playlist! 

In order for Cooper to move with the music beat, we needed a program that analyse a song in real time and and captured it's beat so we can manipulate Cooper to move with the beat. In order to do that we used an Arduino board and a led light that will blink whenever the the program value is over a certain threshold that simulate the beat. We found an Arduino library that helps us out but there are still some improvements needed . In the video you can see our first try.

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-28 at

The last week we also worked with Annie our industrial designer / machine engineering student that helped us design our first draft of Coopers insides where it's motors should go. In our more updated design we added another motor on the bottom of Cooper's body.

IDC Media Lab

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